So I tried Mason's old Halloween costume on Ava, and she seriously looked like somebody was in front of her trying to steal her tusks or something! Actually, after thinking about it, I believe we have this exact picture of Mase from when he was an elephant. Spooky. Anyway, she will have to skip the drama this time as she will not be dressing as an elephant this year, but she will be a cuddly dog. This was all orchestrated by Mason, who was supposed to be The Big Bad Wolf this year and she was going to be one of the three little pigs.
Well, I overheard a funny conversation between Mase and a new friend he met at the park (a big 3-year-old you could tell he wanted to impress)... The kid was telling Mase about his Halloween costume and Mase said, "Oh yeah? Well, I'm going to be CAPTAIN FEATHERSWORD for Halloween!" So this kink in my plan led to a new one, which involves the four of us (Ro and I plus Karen and Tustin) in some bright colored shirts and funky belt buckles. Oh and Laney as Dorothy the Dinosaur and Ava as the lovely Wags the Dog. Gotta love the Wiggles! Mmmm, I think I'd like some fruit salad now...