I just have to post to say I love my babies. I know they are not babies but they have been so patient with me and understanding while I am out of commission. Mase gets cereal for the two of them in the morning and then comes in and kisses my cheek and says "Have a nice sleep" while I am still in bed. I have tried to tell them that having a baby in your tummy makes you sick and tired and they actually seem to understand. Ava and I were lying on the couch when it was almost bedtime and she said, "We are tired. We have babies in our tummies, huh mom."
Thanks to my husband for helping out around the house and taking the kids outside to play. A lot. And the back rubs and crushed ice. (: And a huge thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law for taking the kids yesterday and for the beautiful flowers today. Tulips- my favorite.
It's not like I'm on bed rest- I just have been feeling yucky. All day.
A few pictures of my cuties lately:
Sleeping soundly... we had no clue she had snuck into his room. :)
Easter fun with cousins
Hiding behind the couch will ensure that no one will steal your loot!
After Mason's first wrestling tournament- he wore that medal for days...
With his good buddy after the tournament. Go little Bulldogs!
I haven't a clue what to say to help you...maybe uncle denny can take them to look at the trains (i'll tell him I volunteered his time)...buy a tub o legos...at least it's not tv and it keeps them occupied for hours! Wish I was closer to help...good luck!
Send them to my house!! Seriously it is already a mess from all of my kiddos so what's two more and my girls would love it! Ethan too if he is home on early release. When I was pregnant with the twins Greg would make a pile of PB & J sandwiches and leave them where Ethan could get them because I literally couldn't stand upright let alone be anywhere near food. Puzzles are good, blocks, legos, lincoln logs. And an infinite patience for a messy family room. :)
These months will go by, and your kids will be fine even if they have watched a little extra tv. I used to read lots of stories to my kids when I had no energy.
I wish you were still here, and then I would offer you a PERFECT solution!
I love Ava's comment...she is so sweet..
Oh and Ethan didn't really say that it was me! I love Mase's comment about "fatty" on the sidebar. Remind me to tell you about what Emma called Greg the other day!
OH Nat- I am sorry you are feeling so lousy! Have you tried suckers- (for the morning sickness? sucking on those kinda helped me keep the puking/puking feeling at bay.)
Do you guys have the game twister? There are a lot of games you can make up for the kiddies with that matt. Balloons and /or paper airplanes are great entertainment too.
How sweet of your MIL to bring you flowers. And even sweeter are those two kids you have!
ARgh, no fun. I'm so sorry. I totally fear this stage with getting pregnant again. Like Tina said, it will go by so fast. Give them all the popsicles and tv they want. Trey's been into books like crazy lately. Maybe get a few new books? Good luck. I wish I was there to help you. :)
Not sure how i missed that last post! Congrats!! I guess we'll both find out what 3 kids is all about pretty soon. Sorry you're not feeling great - I'm glad your kids are understanding!
Ug! I know. Boston's morning sickness was the worst AND longest...19 weeks. This one was only until week 15...yay!!!! I'm better! Still freaking tired, but not sick, so I'm not complaining. And with my 2 kids, I think they were close to the same age as yours. Jaden was 4 and Kam was 2 almost 3. I honestly just had Jase set out a bunch of healthy snacks for them to last the day, and they either played in their room or watched TV all day for 4 and a half months! Luckily our apartment was tiny so I could always hear them. But yea, I feel for you, BIG TIME! It sucks. I'm excited for you though, and glad you're in the same weight gain boat as me through the summer...ug!
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