The holidays are officially over. We had a fun time playing and visiting with family and friends but I will be happy to settle into a routine again. A new one, of course, since our baby was born right in the middle of things.
Just wanted to document a few things about little Lucy. She is a great baby. She eats well, is generally content, sleeps well at night... Not to mention she is super cute! I love having a baby again.
During the day, though, she hates to close her eyes. I don't mean that she is all fussy and won't sleep- I just mean she is SO interested in what is going on around her that she fights to keep them open. When she was one day old before we even left the hospital, the nurses were calling her "Nosy" because of her habit of looking around all of the time. There was no "newborn sleep all day" phase for this one! But I can't complain about her funny trait because first of all I find it endearing, and second of all, she sleeps 5-7 hours between her feedings at night.
Oh and her nickname is "The Gruntster". She is noisy at night in her sleep and is always grunting around. She takes after her big brother this way. The kids nicknamed her "Lu Lu" and they are both just loving her. Ava took a little more getting used to sharing mommy but Mase was smitten immediately. We feel very blessed!
I have a ton of holiday pictures and she already looks so different, but these were taken at 2 1/2 weeks of age.

That makes me want a new baby so so so so so so bad! Well, makes me want a baby girl so so so so so bad. Love her lots. You are very lucky to have such sweet kiddos. Miss you guys.
AWWWW! Nat she is just so precious! Seriously what an absolutely beautiful baby! I am loving that picture of the 3 of them! SO sweet!!!
Wow cute pictures!!! ;)
I hope your new routine is going okay now. I could never really get into a routine with a new baby, except for my habit to "obey" the baby;)
I miss you!
The kids are so cute in these pictures. I miss them too!
She is a doll Natalie! I think Lulu is such a cute little name! It suits her so well! Congratulations to you and Roland!
love these. Mason is soo incredibly handsome! Seriously, I hope he'll date Kam in HS...and Jaden can date Ava and Pearce and Lucy. Aww, it's perfect. Ok, have a boy next, cause I'm having a girl in 2 years. haha.
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