Friday, February 15, 2008

What I see...

In this life, you happen upon one person who will determine how you shape the rest of your existence. A person so important to you that there are no words to describe what life would be like if you didn't have them. A person with whom you dream. A person who makes those dreams a reality. Someone in which your heart is so intertwined that feelings occur simultaneously in both of you. A person who challenges you and makes you great. A person whose own happiness comes in knowing that you are happy.

Let me tell you "What I see..."

"What I see when I look across the table from me,
is a person so great, greater than I could ever be.
What I see when I hold your sweet hand,
is a lifetime of conquests beyond what we can understand.
What I see when you smile with the greatest of ease,
is the way your eyes light up and your heart gives me its keys.
What I see when I look into your heart is the best,
I see me and our family and no other guests.
What I see is a heart that is pure and true,
One that screams in quiet tones, I Love You!
What I see when I feel your breath on my face,
is a future without limits in Mase and Ava Grace.
What I see when I look at these words that I write,
This statement is true and could not be more right...
You are...
Wonderful First, Mom Second"

I know everyday seems like you are a Mom first, and everything else seems to take a back seat. I wanted to let you know how I really feel about you and how important you are to me. I have the greatest person in the universe as my best friend. Do you know what kind of a special thing that is? It's amazing!! I love you and am so blessed to share my life with you. Thank you.

Love, Roland

1 comment:

Kristal said...

holy crap, you suck! Did you see the poem Jase wrote for me? HA! I love it though, but there's no metering to it and a few things don't even rhyme. How sweet that he broke into your blog too!