10- These girls make me laugh like nobody else! Sometimes until I pee my pants. (Luckily, that didn't happen TO ME this year...)
9- It's fun to plan a vacation when you don't have to worry about carseats and sippy cups.
8- We don't actually have to PLAN anything- hanging out is all that is necessary.
7- My mom loves to have us all together and announces the fact that we are her SIX daughters any chance she gets. (Until one stranger said, "I feel sorry for YOU!" and we errupted in laughter.)
6- I feel very close to these girls and can go to them for any advice. It makes me want Ava to have a sister so badly!
5- I can afford to stay in a beach house (in Oregon and California so far) because we get to split the bill seven ways!
4- It's fun to eat some RBC! (sorry, this is a personal one...)
3- Speaking of personal, there always ends up being some hilarious personal joke, that we get because we have a similar sense of humor. And it's funny over and over again.
2- With such a huge family, this is the ONLY way to truly catch up. We need this time without boys and kids to keep each other close.
1- This one gets me a little teary since the trip is over. I feel SO lucky to have a great mom and five built-in best friends! I mean, I have some really great friends, but the people I talk to EVERY DAY are my sisters. I love you guys from the bottom of my heart!
Do we have to wait another year? I think I will be ready to go again in a couple of weeks....
I love all of you!!!
You and your sisters are just beautiful! I love that you do a girls trip! Looks like so much fun!
You guys are pretty! Glad you had fun.
Oh you guys are gorgeous and I want to have a lot of sisters for my daughter now.
Lori Rules!
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