We have some new products on our hairbow blog and we are running a little special. If you place an order and you add our "button" (above logo) to your personal blog, you will receive a free mini bow with your order. Just email us at avanadybowtique@hotmail.com with your order and leave your blog address.
To get the logo button, go to www.avanadybowtique.blogspot.com and click on the logo right under where it says "get a button". It will direct you to the html code to add to your own blog.
Check out our new crochet beanies and loopy flower headbands- our girls look adorable and yours will too! (:
p.s. Plus, for anyone who may live anywhere near our little town, we are having a "bow party" on Feb. 19th at my house with some fun giveaways and a lot of cute products! Just leave a comment if you want to come.
I added your button on my blog....even though I have no "little" girls at home. Hopefully, maybe, someone will see it though!!
Good Luck
Button, Button...I added your Button...p.s.I need some bows for our Disneyland trip!
Tiphaine, we have some finished for you already. I will give them to your mom... (: Have fun on your trip! We are going next month!
So another question.... Can we request a certain color of bow? I am looking for a bow to match an dress for a baby blessing. It's not white....kind of a champaigne color. If you want to see it I will bring it to the enrichment commitee meeting.
I love the Crochet hat with bow. That is just awesome.
I wish I had a girl so I could use them. I would wear that crochet one though. I added your button.
I love the family picture. I was just looking at Tamra's blog and clicked on the link. Hope everything is going well.
Riley and Emilee love their bows! I hope your party was great!
(I added your button too.)
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