3-9-09 We had just finished breakfast at a new place and Ro was talking about the cheap price for his steak and eggs. He said it was ridiculous. Mase (from the backseat): How ridiculous was it? Just TELL us fatty! 2-26-09 Mase: When I grow up, I want to be TALLER than Shaq... And gray like him, too! 12-23-08 Ava: On Christmas, I'm going to get candy, and I will share it with ALL my sisters! Me: Uh, just how many sisters do you have? Ava: FOUR! Me: Oh really... what are their names? Ava: (with no hesitation) Peach, Princess, Pizza Dragon, and Reindeer! 11-16-08 Mase: Look, I'm drinking GAY milk! Me: What? Mase: It's GAY milk! Me: (Wondering who had made a joke about homogenized milk to my four-year-old and what kind of conversation was about to go down...) What do you mean? Mase: I mixed GAY-torade and milk to make GAY-MILK!
11-02-08 Mase was practicing his addition skills out loud and then asked me, "Mom, what's 2 +2?" Me: Four Mase: Great job! I gave you some low numbers so you would be able to get it right... 10-27-08 I had just returned from work and the kids were just getting out of the bath... Me: Mase, you smell clean and nice. Mase: You know what you smell like? OLD PEOPLE!
10-27-08 Mase:Mom, when you look sideways you can kinda stretch out your eyes... that's call per-if-EYE-al vision.
10-24-08 We were watching a familymovie where a man and woman were talking to each other... it was in no way a romantic situation. Ava: They gonna KISS right now... WATCH!
9-25-08 The kids were in the bath and Mason turned off the water with just a few inches... Mase: Ava, look how much water I'm saving for our CONTINENT! 9-22-08 I was looking at Halloween costumes online with Mase and we found the PERFECT one, only it was very expensive. Me: I love this costume, but we have to ask Daddy because it costs a lot of money. Mase: But mom, I really want it! Please!!!! Me: I don't know... Mase: (Leaves for a minute and comes back from his room with six grimy quarters.) We can buy it with MY money! 8-6-08 Ava, from her bed this morning: Hello PEOPLE... HOLA!
8-5-08 Mase: I can't WAIT until Ava gets old enough to have babies in her tummy! Me: That will be fun (I think)... and maybe someday your wife can have babies in her tummy and you can be a Daddy. Mase: (Looks at me for awhile and then, fighting tears...) But I'm going to marry AVA. When we are both grown-ups, right? I don't want a different wife.
8-4-08 Ava, rocking her Polly Pocket in her arms and singing: Rockabye, and goodnight... go to sweep witto pow-wy...
7-7-08 Taking a bite of his dinner, Mase says: I sure LOVE salmon! Me: Yeah, I like fish, too. Mase: WHAT???? Salmon isn't FISH! Me: Yes, it is buddy. Mase: WHY did you cut him up?! Next time you need to leave him in the ocean instead of putting him in the OVEN! (We may have a future vegan on our hands...)
7-7-08 Ava's First Prayer: Bless Mason, and Honey Bear, and Mason, and Ava... oh and Mason, too! 7-5-08 Mase: Mom, I know that usually four-year-olds are not anyone's baby, but I'm your baby. 5-1-08 Ava (counting earrings): 1, 2, 3, 4... 7, 8, 9... Me: (trying to demonstrate correct counting because she always skips 5 and 6): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Ava: Oh! Good counting, Mommy! (while clapping) Me: Thanks! Aves: You welcome! (At least we are teaching her to be polite...)
4-24-08 Mase: Mom, do you know what "created" means? Me: Yes, do you? Mase: It means to put sand all over something, like Sandman does. Me: Oh... who created you? Mase: Jesus. Me: Did he put sand all over you? Mase: No, he put SKIN all over me!
4-22-08 Mase and Ava were both sitting on Ro's lap and Ava wanted Daddy all to herself. Ava: (with an angry look in her eyes) Mase, you go TIME OUT!!
4-21-08 Me: Mase, what'd you learn about at school today? Mase: Animals... like bulls. Me: Once, when I was little, I got cornered by a bull when I was in a pen with some cows. I was scared, but Grandpa rescued me... Mase: (very wide-eyed) Was Grandpa on a VINE? (Like Diego when he rescues animals)
4-17-08 We were sitting in the movies with the kids and the lights starting dimming. Mase looked up and said: Jesus, are you there? Ro: Are you praying, Mase? Mase: Well, this might be a scary movie and Jesus saves people, right?
4-15-08 Mase: Mom, why does Lisa always wear her glasses? (Lisa is Jon's cute new wife.) Me: I don't know... don't you like her glasses? Mase: (with a dreamy look on his face) No... I like her EYES.
3-31-08 Me: Mase, I love you so much! You are the best person I know. Mase: (in power rangers outfit with serious expression) I know. I save people.
3-30-08 During sacrament in church... The water is being passed out... Ava: Want Diet COKE!
Thanks for the memories Nat. Ava was and is adorable. Her Grandpa is not bad either.
EEEEK!!! SUPER congrats, Natalie!!!!
Hooray for the pink kind!
Laney says Ava has a really cute smile and we love the pictures. Congrats on your girl! We are so happy for you!! Love, Laney and Kare
Our little boy is going to act like your little girl's 2nd brother. I cant wait to see them together. I cant wait to see her! Girls are so much fun!
My prediction was so wrong!
You know I am so happy for your good news though :) Can't wait to see all of you!
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