The kids emptied THIS entire thing onto my kitchen floor this afternoon. I'm talking 3 inches of water under the dining room table. A strange phenomenon occurred. I wanted to burst out laughing. In the middle of telling them sternly that this behavior was inappropriate and then putting them in time out, I had this hilarious memory of my childhood.
I was very little. All I remember is that my brother Jeffrey and I (two years older) were being babysat by an older sibling (a regular occurrence, I had seven of them)and we got bored. We decided it would be really fun to make a swimming pool in the bathroom. We proceeded to put towels under the door (to block the water AND to not let anyone know that something fishy was going on) and turn on the two faucets. Pretty soon we were splashing in puddles and having a blast. I won't go into details about how the story ended (older sibling got mad and accidentally caused scar on Jeffrey's lip, which his wife happens to think is sexy, so it wasn't all bad...) but we survived. And we had a blast, for a minute!
I am not claiming to always be calm when the kids are naughty. However, when I can be rational enough to see the perspective of some creative little brains at work, it can be fun to travel back to a time when you didn't really think about consequences before you did something.
Hey, can you remind me of this next time I start to lose it over an entire box of Cheerios spread all over the house?
That's fantastic Nat. I'm glad you could laugh. I seem to have a vague memory of that other incident.
older sibling...hmmm. Who could that be?
I love this story - and, yes, I love that scar - thanks Jana!
that's great that you could laugh about it..those are the best moments:)
Thats hilarious Nat! Thats totally something my 3 oldest would do. What a fun way to wash the floor!
I'm glad we have clarified here which older sib we are talking about!
Wow that is insane! I am glad you were able to laugh about it! Kids sure can be creative. I can practically hear you and Jeff laughing and splashing in the water!
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